EPA-funded air quality researcher’s lab caught up in $120 million Duke University science falsification case

More EPA-funded air quality science fraud?

Lab mice tortured in a futile effort to validate EPA’s junk science-fueled air pollution propaganda.

[UPDATE: Click here for the complaint filed in federal court.]

From the News-Observer:

The lab tech blamed for the data falsification worked in the lab of Duke University researcher Michael Foster:

Below is Foster’s grant from EPA:

Foster’s project was part of a $7.7 million environmental justice grant from EPA:

9 thoughts on “EPA-funded air quality researcher’s lab caught up in $120 million Duke University science falsification case”

  1. “…School of Medicine lab led by Michael Foster, a now-retired pulmonologist.”

    Holy shit. How much of that guy’s retirement has gone into some lawyer’s account already? I’m guessing the whole “…now-retired…” thing gives you no cover whatsoever.

    He must be sweating bullets.

  2. “environmental justice grant”
    right there you can see the elephant in the room

  3. Government Money does NOT influence Science in ANY perceivable way, right?

  4. So Duke was investigating this gal’s involvement in an UNRELATED embezzlement case–and that’s the ONE AND ONLY reason they discovered she also had falsified research data?

    Makes you wonder how many OTHER Duke lab techs could have been pulling the same stunt over the years, but minus the “unrelated investigation”…….

  5. Many of these problems were covered in my gook SCIENCE FUNDING: POLITICS AND PORKBARREL. It was written over twenty years ago, but the problems are still here.

  6. Ah yes, that absolutely perfect system of peer review. The alarmists think it means everything is just tickety boo. Jackasses.

  7. They are going to give all the money back, right?

    You sort of wonder how many boats and RV’s could be purchased with $7m.

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