Claim: Nutritional quality of kids’ menus at chain restaurants not improving

Feeding the false dichotomy of “healthy” food versus “unhealthy” food.

Meals are not healthy or unhealthy. They are simply part of one’s total diet. To claim that a restaurant menu is unhealthy is to extrapolate a meal into much more than it is. Most people would consider an apple to be “healthy” but if all you ate were apples, your diet would be very unhealthy. The same applies to restaurant meals. Here, lame-o food nannies are simply trying to pressure restaurants into designing politically correct kids’ menus — tasteless food that most kids won’t enjoy or eat.

The media release is below.


Nutritional quality of kids’ menus at chain restaurants not improving

Boston, MA – U.S. chain restaurants participating in a National Restaurant Association initiative to improve the nutritional quality of their children’s menus have made no significant changes compared with restaurants not participating in the program, according to a new study led by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Among both groups, the researchers found no meaningful improvements in the amount of calories, saturated fat, or sodium in kids’ menu offerings during the first three years following the launch of the Kids LiveWell initiative in 2011.

They also found that sugary drinks still made up 80% of children’s beverage options, despite individual restaurant pledges to reduce their prevalence.

The study will be published online January 11, 2017, in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.

“Although some healthier options were available in select restaurants, there is no evidence that these voluntary pledges have had an industry-wide impact,” said lead author Alyssa Moran, a doctoral student in the Department of Nutrition at Harvard Chan School. “As public health practitioners, we need to do a better job of engaging restaurants in offering and promoting healthy meals to kids.”

In 2011 and 2012, more than one in three children and adolescents consumed fast food every day, according to the study. For kids, eating more restaurant food is associated with higher daily calorie intake from added sugar and saturated fats.

This is the first study to look at trends in the nutrient content of kids’ meals among national restaurant chains at a time when many were making voluntary pledges to improve quality. By 2015, more than 150 chains with 42,000 locations in the U.S. were participating in Kids LiveWell–which requires that at least one meal and one other item on kids’ menus meet nutritional guidelines.

Using data obtained from the nutrition census MenuStat, the researchers examined trends in the nutrient content of 4,016 beverages, entrees, side dishes, and desserts offered on children’s menus in 45 of the nation’s top 100 fast food, fast casual, and full-service restaurant chains between 2012 and 2015. Out of the sample, 15 restaurants were Kids LiveWell participants.

The researchers found that while some restaurants were offering healthier kids’ menu options, the average kids’ entrée still far exceeded recommendations for sodium and saturated fat. Kids’ desserts contained nearly as many calories and almost twice the amount of saturated fat as an entrée. And even when soda had been removed from children’s menus, it was replaced with other sugary beverages such as flavored milks and sweetened teas.

The authors would like to see the restaurant industry adhere to voluntary pledges and consider working with government agencies, researchers, and public health practitioners to apply evidence-based nutrition guidelines across a broader range of kids’ menu items. They also suggest tracking restaurant commitments to determine whether restaurants currently participating in Kids LiveWell improve the nutritional quality of their offerings over time.


“Trends in Nutrient Content of Children’s Menu Items in U.S. Chain Restaurants,” Alyssa J. Moran, Jason P. Block, Simo G. Goshev, Sara N. Bleich, Christina A. Roberto, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, online January 11, 2017, doi: 10.1016/j.amepre.2016.11.007

Visit the Harvard Chan School website for the latest news, press releases, and multimedia offerings.

10 thoughts on “Claim: Nutritional quality of kids’ menus at chain restaurants not improving”

  1. “These reports are political.” They are also ego boosters, they want to “be a hero!”

  2. These reports are political. They don’t care about nutrition.

    Otherwise, they would point out that fast-food purveyor Chick-Fil-Et offers FRUIT CUPS with its kid’s meals. But Chick-fil-et is not liked by liberal democrats because its owners support conservative causes, treat their workers kindly (Sundays off) etc.

    In fact, when they opened in NYC, the mayor of New York went on TV to denounce them and to tell the citizens to avoid the chain. As a result, they had lines around the block! people are generally smarter than politicians as to what food is best.

  3. fast food – chicken, beef, pork, vegetables, bread, tacos/tortillas, condiments

    nutritional food – chicken, beef, pork, vegetables, bread, tacos/tortillas, condiments

    see, it’s easy to see how fast food is so horrible

  4. The Harvard School of Public Health is one of the World’s largest suppliers of Junk Science. I do believe that Walter Willet, a member of the junk science hall of fame, works there.

  5. Since when did anyone go to a restaurant for nutrition?
    I look forward to a double-chocolate triple strawberry-ripple sundae surrounded by canned peaches and topped with whipped cream when grandma takes me to the local eatery………sadly an event of the distant past……..,
    The restaurant industry would do everyone a favor by simply increasing their prices, which, no doubt, they are keen to do at every opportunity anyway……….

  6. Read “Big Fat Surprise” to see that saturated fat is good (satisfying hunger) and while carbohydrates just make you hungry until you you are stuffed. The errors that led to the fat is bad conclusion are documented.

  7. New regs! No eggs, no vegs!
    No milk, no elk, no whelk!
    No beets, no sweets, no tasty treats!
    No lettuce, no taters, no maters, no aid for gators!
    No meat, no wheat, so what in the world are we supposed to eat?

  8. “In 2011 and 2012, more than one in three children and adolescents consumed fast food every day, according to the study.”

    Is that even remotely credible? Only if “fast food” is so widely defined as to be meaningless I would bet.

  9. ‘U.S. chain restaurants participating in a National Restaurant Association initiative’

    Surrendering gained them nothing. Surprise, surprise.

  10. the food nannies will not be happy until like in “the giver” all food is delivered to individuals and they decide what we eat and how much.

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