4 thoughts on “Nature Study: 2 Million Years of Proxy Data Show Warming No Big Deal”

  1. 5C rise at current levels of greenhouse gases over the next few millenia.

    Sceptical and ludicrous are massive understatements.

  2. 5C rise at current levels of greenhluse gases over the next few millenia.

    Sceptical and ludicrous are massive understatements.

  3. Willis Eschenbach, I’m with you. Current physics and actual temperature records and so-called ‘tested’ analogs all point to a 3 degree sensitivity, not 9! The additional likelihood of a doubling from 400ppm to 800ppm is ludicrous IMAO.

  4. This study claims a climate sensitivity of 7 TO 13 DEGREES C PER DOUBLING OF CO2 …

    Color me skeptical.


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