Wow… Senators to Expose Web of Denial Blocking Action on Climate

Just wow…


Senators to Expose Web of Denial Blocking Action on Climate

Follow #WebOfDenial and #TimeToCallOut

Washington, DC – Today, Monday, from 4:45 p.m. to 6:45 p.m., tomorrow, Tuesday, from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., and throughout the week,* 19 Senators will take to the Senate floor to call out Koch brothers- and fossil fuel industry-funded groups that have fashioned a web of denial to block action on climate change.

Despite polling that shows over 80 percent of Americans favor action to reduce carbon pollution, Congress has failed to pass comprehensive climate legislation. The Senators will each deliver remarks detailing how interconnected groups – funded by the Koch brothers, major fossil fuel companies like ExxonMobil and Peabody Coal, identity-scrubbing groups like Donors Trust and Donors Capital, and their allies – developed and executed a massive campaign to deceive the public about climate change to halt climate action and protect their bottom lines.

As part of their effort to draw attention to the web of denial, Senators Whitehouse, Markey, Schatz, Boxer, Merkley, Warren, Sanders, and Franken are introducing a resolution describing and condemning the efforts of corporations and groups to mislead the public about the harmful effects of tobacco, lead, and climate. The resolution also urges fossil fuel corporations and their allies to cooperate with investigations into their climate-related activities. Congressman Ted Lieu (D-CA) is introducing the resolution in the House this week.

Use #WebOfDenial and #TimetoCallOut to follow the speeches on Twitter.

EVENT: Senators to call out Koch brothers- and fossil fuel-backed web of denial blocking climate action

WHO: Senator Harry Reid (D-NV)
Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA)
Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL)
Senator Jack Reed (D-RI)
Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY)
Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD)
Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)
Senator Tom Udall (D-NM)
Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH)
Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR)
Senator Al Franken (D-MN)
Senator Chris Coons (D-DE)
Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT)
Senator Brian Schatz (D-HI)
Senator Martin Heinrich (D-NM)
Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA)
Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)
Senator Edward Markey (D-MA)
Senator Gary Peters (D-MI)

WHEN: Monday, from 4:45 p.m. to 6:45 p.m.
Tuesday, from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

*Several Senators will also deliver their remarks during the day on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Follow #WebOfDenial and #TimetoCallOut for specific times.

WHERE: Senate Floor


From: Enderle, Emily (Whitehouse)
Sent: Sunday, July 10, 2016 5:40 PM
Subject: RE: Web of Denial Floor Speeches and Embargoed Resolution

T minus one day until the speeches commence! We’re expecting Leader Reid to kick things off just after 4pm tomorrow. The tentative schedule of speakers and the groups they’ll be covering is included below. Given the fluid nature of this schedule and the senate floor schedule in general, please don’t share this information outside of your organization. We’ll keep you posted about any major changes. Again, gallery passes are available in 530 Hart for anyone who’d like to watch in person. You can also tune in on C-SPAN2.

The press advisory announcing the web of denial speeches and resolution will be issued tomorrow morning, which we’ll circulate as soon as it goes out along with a clean copy of the resolution. Info about the speeches and the resolution text remains embargoed until then. Senators Whitehouse, Markey, Schatz, Boxer, Merkley, Warren, Sanders, and Franken are the current list of resolution cosponsors.

Some suggested tweets are included below and our graphics template is attached. Feel free to use these as guides as you craft digital content. The hashtags in play are #WebOfDenial and #TimeToCallOut. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to Di if you have any social media questions. Her email address is and direct # is 202.224.9217.

Tentative Schedule – Web of Denial Speeches
Sen. Reid – ~4:10 (Leader Time) – Americans for Prosperity, Nevada Policy Research Institute
Sen. Cardin – 4:45 – Annapolis Center for Science-Based Public Policy
Sen. Coons – (tent.) 5pm – Group TBD
Sen. Udall – 5:15pm Western Fuels Association
Sen. Kaine – 5:30pm – Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy
Sen. Schumer – 6pm – Mercatus Center (tent.)
Sen. Merkley – 6:15pm – Cascade Policy Institute, Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine
Sen. Blumenthal – Time TBD (or Tuesday) – Americans for Prosperity, American Legislative Exchange Council
Sen. Whitehouse – Time TBD – The Advancement of Sound Science Center, Chamber of Commerce, Committee for Constructive Tomorrow, Franklin Center for Government and Policy Integrity, James Madison Institute, John Locke Foundation, Locke Institute

Sen. Boxer – Time TBD – Hoover Institution, Reason Foundation, Pacific Research Institute
Sen. Coons – Time TBD (or Monday)– Group TBD
Sen. Schatz – 5pm – Center for Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change, Heartland Institute
Sen. Franken – 5:15pm – Heritage Foundation
Sen. Warren – 5:30pm – Science and Public Policy Institute
Sen. Heinrich – 5:45pm – American Legislative Exchange Council
Sen. Shaheen –6pm – Competitive Enterprise Institute, Energy and Environmental Legal Institute
Sen. Reed – around 6pm – SEC climate change disclosures and the dangers of climate change denial from a national security perspective
Sen. Markey – 6pm to 6:30pm –Acton Institute, George C. Marshall Institute, Lexington Institute, Global Climate Coalition
Sen. Peters – 6:30pm – Cato Institute
Sen. Blumenthal – Time TBD – Americans for Prosperity, American Legislative Exchange Council
Sen. Whitehouse – Time TBD – The Advancement of Sound Science Center, Chamber of Commerce, Committee for Constructive Tomorrow, Franklin Center for Government and Policy Integrity, James Madison Institute, John Locke Foundation, Locke Institute

From: Enderle, Emily (Whitehouse)
Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2016 3:53 PM
Subject: Web of Denial Floor Speeches and Embargoed Resolution

As most of you know, Senators Whitehouse, Markey, Boxer, Schatz, and ~15 other Senators are planning to talk about the climate denial apparatus and its key groups in a series of floor speeches on Monday and Tuesday, with the vast majority of speeches expected to take place between 6-8:30pm on Monday and 5-7:30pm on Tuesday. The latest list of groups to be covered is included below. The catch phrase is “Web of Denial” and #WebOfDenial and #TimeToCallOut are the hashtags. Gallery passes are available at our front desk (SH 530) for anyone who’d like to watch the speeches in person. You can also tune in on C-SPAN2.

Attached, please find an embargoed copy of the resolution Members plan to introduce in both chambers on Monday that describes and expresses congressional disapproval of industrial denial activities that have obscured the truth on tobacco, lead, and climate. So far, Senators Whitehouse, Markey, Schatz, Boxer, Merkley, and Warren have signed on to the Senate resolution. Rep Lieu is leading the charge in the House. You’re welcome to share the resolution internally and among trusted allies but please don’t distribute it widely until the embargo lifts at 10am on Monday. We will send a clean copy on Monday morning. Please direct any questions about the House resolution to Megan Price from Rep Lieu’s staff (cc’d). Thanks to LCV, Sierra Club, Union of Concerned Scientists, Clean Water Action, and Public Citizen for supporting it. Let us know if we can add your organization to the list of supporters.

We’re planning to issue a press advisory about the speeches and resolution at 10am on Monday. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Rich and Di from our comms shop with any press questions. We’ll send out sample social media material and keep you posted on speakers, list of groups, timing, etc. It’d be great if you would like to help amplify.


Emily Enderle
Chief Environmental Policy Advisor
Office of Senator Sheldon Whitehouse

Web of Denial Organizations
1. The Advancement of Sound Science Center (defunct)

2. Acton Institute (MI)

3. Americans for Prosperity (VA)

4. American Legislative Exchange Council

5. American Petroleum Institute (DC)

6. Annapolis Center for Science-Based Public Policy (defunct)

7. Cascade Policy Institute (OR)

8. Cato Institute (DC)

9. Center for Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change (AZ)

10. Chamber of Commerce (DC)

11. Committee for Constructive Tomorrow (DC)

12. Competitive Enterprise Institute (DC)

a. Cooler Heads Coalition

13. Energy and Environmental Legal Institute (formerly American Tradition Institute)

14. Franklin Center for Government and Policy Integrity (VA)

15. George C. Marshall Institute (now The CO2 Coalition) (VA)

16. Global Climate Coalition (defunct)

17. Heartland Institute (IL)

18. Heritage Foundation (DC)

19. Hoover Institution (CA)

20. James Madison Institute (FL)

21. John Locke Foundation (NC)

22. Lexington Institute (VA)

23. Locke Institute (VA)

24. Mercatus Center (VA)

25. Nevada Policy Research Institute (NV)

26. Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine (OR)

27. Pacific Research Institute (CA)

28. Reason Foundation (CA)

29. Science and Public Policy Institute (VA)

30. Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy (VA)

31. Western Fuels Association (CO)

a. Funded Greening Earth Society and Informed Citizens for the Environment

10 thoughts on “Wow… Senators to Expose Web of Denial Blocking Action on Climate”

  1. Ed Markey should have to explain why he involved himself in extra-legislature activity with a group called GlobeInternational, which is a group of politicians who seek political action on climate issues behind the back of their electorates and have input into national legislatures.

    John Kerry was a co-founder. Markey can be seen in this webpage as a co-chair with Congressman Wang Guangtao of the National People’s Congress of China of the 2009 GLOBE Copenhagen Legislators Forum.
    “GLOBE International was originally founded in 1989 by legislators from the US Congress, European Parliament, Japanese Diet and the Russian State Duma with the mission to respond to urgent environmental challenges through the development and advancement of legislation.”
    GLOBE’s International Commission on Climate and Energy Security was launched in the US Congress in Washington DC on Monday 30th March 2009.

    Read more here:

  2. Too dumb to know they are playing with fire. Exposure is the last thing they want.

  3. Thank you, Democrats.

    By showing us merely a partial list of ‘denier’ groups you have actually exposed the fact that there are so many, many who are resisting your impossible junk science and your attempt to seize the energy segment of the economy. The public is now on to you.

    “No politician, once he gains power, wishes to reduce the scope of his own power. The climate change agenda is just too tempting. By spending on green energy, taxing carbon, and regulating emissions, governments gain a stranglehold on the energy sector – and with it they gain the power to redirect spending to constituencies and extract contributions from lobbyists. In many cases, government officials engage in outright corruption; their control of the energy sector makes possible graft on an enormous scale … “

  4. I’m sad that you left me off of the list. is still asking for actual evidence that Man’s CO2 is causing dangerous global warming.

    Do any of these clowns have any actual evidence?
    (All I’ve ever seen them come up with is grade school level logic)

  5. DISGUSTING!!!! When, oh WHEN are the skeptical senators going to reverse this BS propaganda, and go at the “warmers” for the absolute fraud they’ve saddled us with? Huh!!??!!? Where the H E double hockey sticks are they?!??! Why not congressional hearings where the warmers are sworn in under oath and grilled and their so called evidence subpoenaed and put under the microscope. I mean, after all, we are “investing” (i.e. dumping/wasting) BILLIONS of tax payers’ US dollars into their fraudulent science. There should be an accounting and once their fraud is exposed for what it is, there should be firings across the board at NOAA, NASA, etc., professors “retired” from universities (regardless of “tenure”) and people spending time in jail for perpetrating the biggest fraud scheme in the history of Mankind and victimizing the US tax payers … and then, the big guns need to be turned on those 19 senators listed above so they can spend their time in jail for aiding, abetting and participating in the fraud! I’m sick of this crap! It is WAAAYYY past time to start hitting back harder than they are hitting!

    So when is it going to happen? Eh?!??! How do we get this started?

  6. Look on the bright side, most of the senators are older than dirt and will soon be planted in it.

  7. What 80% want to reduce carbon pollution?
    Is this the old 80% of 2% of those that actually answered a poll?

  8. Great — a list of organizations who believe in robust debate in science, and that science (not politics) should determine public policy. The deniers are those who deny science and prefer cronyism and politics (the 19 Senators).

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