14 thoughts on “Trump could pull US out of Paris climate deal, admits former Obama climate envoy”

  1. Zika can be effectively, quickly and cheaply eliminated the same way that yellow fever and malaria were eliminated in the US — drain the swamps and use DDT. The problem is that the environmentalists have placed wetlands (swamps) and birds (erroneously) before humans.

  2. The $500 million paid to UN climate change fund came from money allocated for the center for disease control, which is now asking for $ to fight Zika.

    If anyone dies from that, you know who should be blamed – but won’t.

  3. The weasel appropriated the money from unspent funds dedicated to other projects. Another usurpation. And no action taken by congress or the Senate.

  4. Obama committed $3 Billion to the Green Climate fund and payed $500 million to UN climate change fund. That is just another nail in his impeachment and removal.get this!
    Hamilton, in Federalist No. 66,(2nd.para) and Federalist No. 77,(last para) says the president may be impeached and removed from office for cause. Everyone is aware of the usurpations and the encroachments on the powers of congress, which are impeachable and removable. The house impeaches and the senate convicts. Obama has multiple violations of his oath of office and the evidence if clear. If the Democrats fail to
    honor their oath to preserve, protect and defend the constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic they will face the same fate as that of the President. We just need to have some real men in the House and Senate. A lawsuit targeting the cowards who have to this point refused to act like Manley men; may light a fire under their hangy down parts. Google Obama pays $500 Million to UN climate change fund.

  5. Obama committed $3 Billion to the Green Climate fund and payed $500 million to UN climate change fund. That is just another nail in his impeachment and removal.get this!
    Hamilton, in Federalist No. 66,(2nd.para) and Federalist No. 77,(last para) says the president may be impeached and removed from office for cause. Everyone is aware of the usurpations and the encroachments on the powers of congress, which are impeachable and removable. The house impeaches and the senate convicts. Obama has multiple violations of his oath of office and the evidence if clear. If the Democrats fail to honor their oath to preserve, protect and defend the constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic they will face the same fate as that of the President. We just need to have some real men in the House and Senate. A lawsuit targeting the cowards who have to this point refused to act like Manley men; may light a fire under their hangy down parts…

  6. The Paris agreement was a personal agreement between Obama (personally) and the signatory countries. It has nothing to do with the United States since it is not a treaty approved by the senate and not binding for anyone except Obama personally. I don’t know where he will get the billions– not from US taxpayers.

  7. It is widely understood that you may not accomplish via Treaty, that which you cannot accomplish via legislation. None of the three branches of government were granted the power to legislate, fund, make treaties or adjudicate upon weather, co2, environment in their list of specifically enumerated powers. The EPA began with the clean water laws to prevent contamination by toxic chemicals, animal parts from slaughter houses and the Army corps of engineers to build levies, dams, and clean up after floods and tornadoes. These began with the States and eventually covered so many states the federals took it over.

  8. The next federal ‘office’ for which Obama and Kerry — and Hillary — and many more in the current federal administration have qualified themselves.

    United States Penitentiary, Leavenworth
    Prison from the southwest
    Location Leavenworth, Kansas
    Coordinates 39°19′48″N 94°56′11″WCoordinates: 39°19′48″N 94°56′11″W[1]
    Status Operational
    Security class Medium-security (with minimum-security satellite camp)
    Population 1,870 (475 in prison camp)
    Opened 1903
    Managed by Federal Bureau of Prisons
    Warden Claude Maye

  9. President Trump, 2017:
    ‘I hereby renounce the Paris Treaty which was never approved by Congress in the first place as is required by US law.’

    There we go, simple as that.
    Billions saved.

  10. Ya, …. uh, check’s in the mail……

    Be nice to see the rest of the world support it’s socialism instead of the US.

  11. I read something that quoted a UN bigwig saying that the US cannot withdraw from the (alleged) Paris “treaty”. Apparently the UN hierarchy is unaware that the US is a sovereign nation, and that we have a Constitution, and the Paris nonsense that Obama and Kerry agreed to is nothing more than a piece of paper that Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb have no authority to bind the US to.

  12. The UN is just as incompetent and one world delusional as the failed League of Nations, which thankfully our Senate at the time rejected. Let the UN diplomats meet in one of the many hell holes that are called nations and it will fall apart when these diplomats have to walk the walk instead of living the good life in the US while condemning it.

  13. It would be the start of getting us out of the UN and the UN out of the US. I mean building and all… Financially and military support … Japan is the only nation close to us in money support. get real folks it is a black hole for our money, and a black hole for our freedom and soverignty. Climate will do what it always has, change tomorrow, this country has greater problems than climate, we are nearing 20Trillion in debt, we are no cannot pass the solvency smell test, and we are dumping way too much tax-payer money into the UN. if it would not have been for the UN we would not have actually been killing off Americans in foreign lands where the hate us to start with and hate us even more when we pull out. We need not be carrying the UN in pursuit of a global socialist citizenry. We have too much work to fix fifty years of free-fall into the Black hole. it is time now for the citizens to stand up and be counted.

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