California profits $1.2 billion from VW diesel settlement

No one hurt, but VW pays $14.7 billion anyway. State and federal bureaucrats get more money to further their bogus, junk science-fueled environmental programs.

The media release is below.

Remember that EPA’s diesel crimes are much worse than VW’s.



June 28, 2016


Stanley Young
(916) 322-2990

Attorney General Kamala D. Harris, California Air Resources Board Chair Mary
D. Nichols to Discuss CA Impact of $14.7 Billion Volkswagen Settlement

SAN FRANCISCO – Attorney General Kamala D. Harris and the California Air
Resources Board Chair Mary D. Nichols will hold a media availability to
discuss the California impact of the landmark $14.7 billion national
settlement with Volkswagen over “defeat device” software the company
installed in its 2.0 liter diesel vehicles.

As part of the agreement, Volkswagen will spend approximately $10 billion to
buy back or modify these vehicles, as well as pay $2.7 billion into a trust
to support environmental programs and reduce emissions and an additional $2
billion on investments and promotion of zero emissions vehicles.

California’s share represents one-quarter of the total national mitigation
funding of $4.7 billion dollars.

The media availability will be live streamed on

California Attorney General Kamala D. Harris Mary Nichols, Chair of the
California Air Resources Board

Tuesday, June 28, 2016
11 a.m. PDT

Office of California Attorney General Kamala D. Harris
455 Golden Gate Avenue
14th Floor Press Conference Room
San Francisco, CA

This event is open to credentialed media only.

2 thoughts on “California profits $1.2 billion from VW diesel settlement”

  1. If it’s anything like my area politics, the money goes into a general fund. Even if it isn’t, there’s a good chance the money will allow them to shift planned funding from CARB to whatever else they want. Money is fungible.

    It’s all taxes for the state. I no longer worry about “why” they want new / increased taxes, I just vote “no.” Maybe I’ll change my mind if they ever make a hard decision and defund some activity…

  2. Where do you think the money will be deposited? Do you suppose at least a lot of it will end up in the CARB accounts. Much if not all of the operating funds for CARB come from fines, fees and penalties.Last year numbers are available, 2016 it was in excess of $600 million! An observant legislature would enquire about such temptations. CARB has approximately 950 employees.

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