5 thoughts on “NYTimes: Global Warming Cited as Wildfires Increase in Fragile Boreal Forest”

  1. Funny…I could’ve sworn there was a honking big El Nino that ended winter early and dried out the forest more than usual for the time of year, making it easy fire fodder.

  2. And let’s not forget the role of fire suppression. Man started fighting these fires, seriously and successfully, 70 or 80 years ago. That has built up 70 or 80 years worth of unburned undergrowth, and this extra fuel is the main factor making current fires larger and more destructive, like the big Yellowstone fire in 1988 that led to instituting the “let it burn” policy in US national parks.

    And to amplify what RAC said, here’s a question — how fundamental is fire to these boreal forests? Well, the lodgepole pine that makes up much of these forests literally cannot reproduce without fire. The fire heats and opens the pine cone, without which the seed cannot begin to grow a new tree.

  3. This reminds me of Hillary Clinton flying over the west coast and whining about “global warming killing all of the forests”. “I saw all of these dead trees!” The dead trees she saw were all beetle kill.

  4. Depending on what you mean by “near destruction”, apparently only 10% of houses were affected, and there was no loss of life. Today’s National Post claimed to put to rest some of the myths surrounding the fire, such as that it was caused by terrorists eco- and otherwise, or that the Red Cross stood to make a pile from donations. The one myth they didn’t tackle was that “Global Warming” had anything at all to do with it. Nor have I seen anyone blaming government for the losses, since as we know nothing happens without the approval of omnipotent government, from how close you can build to a boreal forest to the management of the forest itself.

  5. With a background of 40 years in the US Forest Service, most of which was spent in wildland fire management and research, I think I have a more than good understanding of the wildfire problems in North America. Bottom line is that large fires, such as that which has just occurred in Alberta, are a part of the fire history of the boreal forest. They have occurred long before this whole CO2 global warming fiction was created, and long before man allegedly started spewing CO2. There is NO connection!

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