6 thoughts on “Eating too LITTLE salt may INCREASE your risk of a heart attack or stroke, claims controversial new research”

  1. Just as david Russell said, this scare and the resulting debunking of it get re-cycled about every 10-20 years.

  2. RE: Kaiser Derden comment
    Hate to burst your bubble there sparky but most of the worlds salt is produced from either evaporation of sea water, an evaporation process of surface salt deposits [ to make them more easy to package for shipment and to remove contaminants such as dirt or vegetable matter that has been carried by wind deposition processes] or mining of underground deposits that are the fossil salt residue from ancient seas.
    Table Salt is Sodium Chloride.
    Sodium in its pure form is a metal and has to be handled with extreme care as it oxidizes with extreme rapidity when exposed to air or water, that is, it catches fire from the heat of oxidization.
    So yes, Sodium by itself would be an imbalance as it does not exist in the natural state as anything resembling a pure form.
    Now if you are thinking of “road salt” this is a chemical compound that is generally a ~modified~ form of natural salt that has additional additives for specific purposes such as corrosion inhibition. This is an industrial product and inspection of either the shipping container [small quantities] or the shipping documents [bulk quantities] will show warnings that the product is not for human consumption.

  3. modern salt is not natural salt … sea salt is fine … sodium by itself is an imbalance …

  4. Gee, I am so shocked. How about that, personal “beliefs” trump scientific enquiry. Global cooling? Global warming? And now Climate change.

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