7 thoughts on “A Food Label That Gets Right to the Point”

  1. The modern way to spell ‘Liberal Education’ is “I-N-D-O-C-T-R-I-N-A-T-I-O-N”.

  2. the one thing the fascists have done here in #Failifornia that i appreciate is the calorie counts on menus, fast food & otherwise.

    now, when i can afford to eat out, i can make sure i maximize the number of calories i get for dollars spent.

    pretty sure that’s not what they had in mind, but we can’t all be as stupid as they are. 😉

  3. In the Socialist People’s Republik of Kalifornia, you will find (if you look) Prop 65 warning signs on the vast majority of businesses.

    People ignore them.
    And they have no clue what is on the SPRK’s Prop 65 list.
    And they don’t question the claim the the state “Knows” that these toxic substances “Cause” cancer or other negative health effects.
    It doesn’t matter because they have learned to ignore it.

    That is why manufacturers have added to their labels, in large print: “Do not use this product if you have not read and understood the information below!”

  4. The assumption by the nannies that “busy” shoppers would have to do math(horrors) while standing and reading a label. And then it would only be important to “motivated shoppers”, i.e. those who think like us. Because only parts of the ingredients are important, and we know what those are for everyone.

  5. Don’t you just love the term “empty calories”? As though a calorie was a container that you filled up with “good stuff” and these were the cheap ones!

    Calories are the most important role of food – you die quicker from having no calories than from having almost anything else (except water). Even more ridiculous is the reporting of calories as though there were a component of food – along with protein, fats, carbohydrates etc.

    I would say that we have failed in our education system when such labelling can become a major factor in food purchasing, but it seems as though the (supposedly) educated classes are falling for this hype the most. Watching the way that “evidence” was manufactured to support nutritional fads is what originally made me skeptical of science reporting. Now, I am sad to say, this has become cynicism with a great deal of scientific publishing – my first thought whenever I read any paper is now “what are they trying to cover up so that I believe their conclusions”. This is a sad admission to make, but I feel I am being conned all the time.

  6. Huh, sugar with nutrients? I thought sucrose and fructose were sucrose and fructose, period.

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