Senators to Sec. Kerry: U.S. Law Prohibits Sending U.S. Funds to U.N. Climate Convention

“We request that you ensure that no disbursements of U.S. funds are made to the UNFCCC and its related entities after March 17, 2016. We believe that your failure to do so will constitute a violation of current law…” Continue reading Senators to Sec. Kerry: U.S. Law Prohibits Sending U.S. Funds to U.N. Climate Convention

Trojan horse nanoparticle halts asthma: New technology also can be used to turn off peanut and other food allergies

As most of them turn out to be hype, I don’t usually highlight medical research claims. But this is interesting. We’ll see how the trials turn out. Continue reading Trojan horse nanoparticle halts asthma: New technology also can be used to turn off peanut and other food allergies