Libs oppose nuclear power. Continue reading NYTimes: Liberal Biases, Too, May Block Progress on Climate Change
Month: April 2016
NYTimes: Save the planet by not carrying your cell phone
Cell phones weigh down airplanes causing them to burn more fuel. Really. Continue reading NYTimes: Save the planet by not carrying your cell phone
A Professional Foe of Climate Campaigners Gets His Big-Screen Moment
A NYTimes review of Marc Morano’s new film, Climate Hustle. Continue reading A Professional Foe of Climate Campaigners Gets His Big-Screen Moment
Former AMS Prez: A New Dark Age Looms
Claim: Global warming is making our knowledge about the planet “obsolete.” Continue reading Former AMS Prez: A New Dark Age Looms
WaPo: Mr. Sanders’s war on clean energy
The Washington Post thinks Bernie is a threat to the planet. Continue reading WaPo: Mr. Sanders’s war on clean energy
Senators to Sec. Kerry: U.S. Law Prohibits Sending U.S. Funds to U.N. Climate Convention
“We request that you ensure that no disbursements of U.S. funds are made to the UNFCCC and its related entities after March 17, 2016. We believe that your failure to do so will constitute a violation of current law…” Continue reading Senators to Sec. Kerry: U.S. Law Prohibits Sending U.S. Funds to U.N. Climate Convention
Ocean closures and global cooling events
Modeling for yet another unverifiable hypothesis. Continue reading Ocean closures and global cooling events
Trojan horse nanoparticle halts asthma: New technology also can be used to turn off peanut and other food allergies
As most of them turn out to be hype, I don’t usually highlight medical research claims. But this is interesting. We’ll see how the trials turn out. Continue reading Trojan horse nanoparticle halts asthma: New technology also can be used to turn off peanut and other food allergies
Claim: Gradual decline of dinosaurs before extinction
For your “Unverifiable Hypothesis” file. Continue reading Claim: Gradual decline of dinosaurs before extinction
Could global warming’s top culprit help crops?
Warmists struggle with the reality that CO2 is plant food. Continue reading Could global warming’s top culprit help crops?
Claim: Phosphorus ‘tax’ could be huge if tropical farming intensifies
Turns out to be an excuse for pushing the anti-meat climate agenda. Continue reading Claim: Phosphorus ‘tax’ could be huge if tropical farming intensifies
Neonicotinoid seed treatments produce higher soybean yields in the Southern US
“The data do contradict the EPA document to some degree.” Continue reading Neonicotinoid seed treatments produce higher soybean yields in the Southern US