5 thoughts on “Obesity on the rise, WHO targets in jeopardy”

  1. Let’s realize that someone or entity benefits to keep us thinking there are problems that require us to make changes. I am a senior and swim nearly every day. I am still heavy and so was my dad at this age and so was his dad at this age…..,etc.

  2. “Overweight’ is a relative term – a point usually overlooked. ‘Normal’ weight is bound to be a function of the balance between nutrition and physical activity, and other as yet unidentified factors such as the interaction between our alimentary microbes and our foods.

  3. The war on obesity in our children only focuses on the one spear of broccoli and one baby carrot “healthy diet” (which kids throw in the garbage) but they ignore forcing kids to set for hours watching barney dance to a rock tune or being taught how to be “transgendered” instead of being outside running, jumping and raising hell as Kids are supposed to do.

  4. This report is only about weight – nothing in the article quoted refers to the fact that people are getting taller. Even in the UK (after two generations of adequate nutrition since the WWII rationing) there are still increases in height (latest UK health survey data) let alone the developing countries where Asia is seeing truly stunning height increases as generations of poor nutrition are suddenly replaced by abundant food.

    BMI (even before the ridiculous re-classification in 1999) was based on average heights of 5’8″-5’9″ for men and 5’6″-5’7″ for women. As people get taller, the relative bone volume increases in a different proportion to the rest of the body and with bone having the highest density of all body tissues, the BMI classes become even less relevant to health. There may be increases in BMI as well as weight behind these statistics, but these are meaningless in health terms because the real impact of adequate nutrition is that people are getting taller.

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