5 thoughts on “Claim: To meet 2C target, no new fossil fuel plants after 2017”

  1. And capture CO2 from termites, as well.

    I first noted the abstract of a 1986 paper by entomologists that projected CO2 output by termites [still] exceeded that of humans, for all our use of oil,

    Do a Google search “termites+CO2” fir more, foe example an earlier http://www.nytimes.com/1982/10/31/us/termite-gas-exceeds-smokestack-pollution.html article. Yes, the New York Times…

    Now one must consider that if termite activity remained stagnant or even decreased, while humans continued to increase output, the total would rise. Or not?

  2. I think a great strategy would be a moratorium on any children born to Warmunists.
    They will gladly reduce the future population by having a zero “carbon copy” footprint, won’t they?

  3. Hey, I’m all for it.
    Let’s just immediately chuck all carbon based fuels, get rid of them and then go to all non-carbon sources of energy to provide for all of our needs and to power all of our economic endeavors. Now, how is it exactly that we are going to make that pipe dream come true, do you reckon?
    Whoops, there goes another billion watt — be dam. Cause we had high hopes, We had high hopes, We had pie-up-in-the-sky hopes. Etc., Etc. :

    High Hopes Lyrics – Frank Sinatra

  4. Hey, I’m all for it.
    Let’s just immediately chuck all carbon based fuels, get rid of them and then go to all non-carbon sources of energy to provide for all of our needs and to power all of our economic endeavors. Now, how is it exactly that we are going to make that pipe dream, do you reckon?
    Whoops, there goes another billion watt — be dam. Cause we had high hopes, We had high hopes, We had pie-up-in-the-sky hopes. Etc., Etc. :

    High Hopes Lyrics – Frank Sinatra

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