Bernie Sanders takes a private flight to Rome to speak at the Vatican conference – burning gallons of fuel just hours after attacking Hillary Clinton on climate change Read more: Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Nothing says social justice like jet-setting warmism.

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3 thoughts on “Bernie Sanders takes a private flight to Rome to speak at the Vatican conference – burning gallons of fuel just hours after attacking Hillary Clinton on climate change Read more: Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook”

  1. There is probably 1% chance that even “moderate” AWG predictions will happen. I cannot say zero because I do not claim, any more than they can, that I have some divine knowledge about the planet’s complex system. However, if there ever WAS a problem, it would be the roll-up-your-sleeves-and-do-honest-days-work folks who would fix it. We would take 50 old nukes and put them out in the Sahara and blow up a huge fine dust cloud to the upper atmosphere, maybe in September at the end of the Northern Hemisphere growing season. That would correct all the so-called runaway effects, by creating a nice long super-winter to refreeze the arctic down to 5th avenue in Manhattan.

  2. BERNIE’s just following Mr Global Warming’s (AlGore) personal example. And the Obamas take at least two big jets when they go anywhere, and didn’t the Big O use a big jet to fly his DOG to where the family was “vacationing?” And Mrs O used HOW many full-sized jets to take HOW many hangars-on on a government all expenses paid trip to Africa? AT TAXPAYER EXPENSE!!!

    The whole AGW meme is a huge scam.

  3. We peasants and serfs must remember that Bernie Sanders is a member of the elite aristocracy, so he is above the laws, limitations, and ethics that the rest of us are subjugated to. All hail Bernie. What do you mean by be concerned about others?

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