2 thoughts on “WSJ: A Supreme Carbon Rebuke”

  1. And yet four robes voted to sustain the illegality, thus putting ideology above the rule of law. But then that is what the court has done on numerous other occasions. Next election is crucial just for this reason.

  2. One of the main reasons the Court did this was the arrogance of the Obama EPA. The last time the Supreme Court overruled an EPA action, the EPA head, Gina McCarthy, gleefully bragged to the media that since the Court did not issue a stay while the litigation was pending, the EPA had forced compliance with regulations later found to be unlawful. Simply put, the EPA bragged that they got away with breaking the law.

    Briefs written by the States seeking the stay recited the EPA’s bragging claims and made it obvious that if no stay was entered, any future ruling would have been useless, because the EPA would speed through its plans before any final ruling was reached.

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