Revealed: Al Gore trolling GOP presidential candidate rallies

Curious as to whether Al Gore had any comment on the Supreme Court’s body slam of President’s Obama global warming rules, I came across this tweet from Gore:

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The tweet linked to a Huffington Post article that began:

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So who is Dan Kipnis?

As Gore revealed in his tweet, Kipnis is one of Gore’s trained climate missionaries whose job is to promote global warming hysteria. In fact, according to his web site, Kipnis is one of Al Gore’s “top ten” climate missionaries.

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The Huffington Post article reports that Kipnis was questioning Marco Rubio at a Rubio campaign rally in New Hampshire ahead of the state’s primary. Is Kipnis a New Hampshire voter? No. He lives in Florida.

Is Kipnis even a Republican? In 1985 he was appointed to the Florida Marine Fisheries Commission by Democrat Gov. Bob Graham.

My conclusion is that Al Gore is sending his minions out in an effort to embarrass Republican presidential candidates on the stump. A word to the wise: Beware of “voters” bearing climate questions.

One thought on “Revealed: Al Gore trolling GOP presidential candidate rallies”

  1. Where did Gore come from? I thought he had dropped off the surface of the earth or maybe poisened by all that CO2.

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