4 thoughts on “Why does industry keep ignoring the treasure trove of data against EPA’s PM2.5 claims”

  1. The courts and the legal industry are afraid to involve themselves in science. They don’t want to expose their lack of knowledge of science and undermine their assumed authority. They will always squirm away from a scientific and legal argument. The legal industry in this case is extremely vulnerable to public pressure. Especially as more of the Green Science is exposed as fraud, junk science.
    I think the strategy should be to go over the heads of the legal industry, the MSM and directly appeal to the American public. We know this can work, Ronald Regan. Mr. Milloy and others are very good at explaining the simple facts and avoiding arcane scientific jargon. The simple facts and the absurd methods used to justify the junk science will not be tolerated if the people are given the facts in a way that does not cause them to think they must have a “scientific” background.” Feel the heat, see the light”. We win they lose. The legal political industry will recede, to continue their lush life.

  2. What is that MEME I saw on the Internet? We need more people who know about Chemistry, and less who “know” about Chemicals!

  3. I would have to agree. I am amazed at how little most people know about the world they live in and the devices they use every day. Even less people know anything about science.

  4. Probably because they realize that real data and analysis confuses and bores the largely innumerate public. I realize that sounds elitist and I do not mean it to be, but believe that to be accurate.

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