3 thoughts on “There are 2,440 coal plants being planned around the world”

  1. http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2015-12-06/news/68809179_1_solar-power-4-mw-solar-panels

    ” NEW DELHI: India unfolded a much hyped ‘Solar Alliance’ on the sidelines of the climate change conference in Paris. A grand invitation extended to the 121 sunny nations to come together for making solar power accessible, its headquarters in Gurgaon and the Indian government seeks to inject Rs 400 crores as seed money.

    Now an impression has been created that solar power could be the panacea for solving all issues related to climate change and energy independence for India. This is far from the truth. Since despite the aggressive international marketing even for India during the next 4-5 decades ‘coal will still be the king’! Today about 60 per cent of India’s power is generated using hydrocarbons.

    There is no doubt that India loves the sun god and the country as a whole is bestowed with more than 300 sunny days which makes it a very attractive option to generate electricity. However, there is still a huge catch: the sun is available only for half a day and hence excessive over reliance on solar power can be very hazardous during darkness.”

    This guy gets it!

  2. Missing are any planned plants in Africa or South America, condeming these regions to gridless decades of subsistence living.

    A travesty by any definition!!!

  3. The more coal plants, the better. We need more carbon dioxide to create all the crops to feed the expanding world population. Bring them on !

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