Rasmussen: Only 33% think Obama should go it alone on Congress

From “What America Thinks: No Executive Actions.”

Rasmussen reports:

Voters don’t much care for the job Congress is doing, but they still think the president needs congressional approval on the major issues facing the nation. Are they willing to let President Obama go it alone on some issues, though? We decided to find out what America thinks.

The president last week used an executive order to enact further government oversight over gun sales because he knew Congress would not approve his gun control initiatives. Voters aren’t happy. Most think, when it comes to gun control, that the federal government should only do what the president and Congress agree on. Just a third of likely voters think Obama should take action alone if Congress won’t agree.

That’s nearly identical to voter attitudes about presidential action on global warming. Most voters believe global warming merits urgent attention, but 57% still say the government should only do what the president and Congress agree on. Only 33% believe Obama should go it alone…

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