5 thoughts on “How does it take for a Tesla Power Wall to pay back?”

  1. So, your are saying that Solar City needs peak-rate pricing electricity to cost a whole lot more. Not an admirable goal.

  2. That would be for the actual electricity used. In Ontario, the additional charges for generation, transmission, distribution, etc, etc.. effectively doubles the per kilowatt cost of electricity.

  3. But, but, but – they are doing it to SAVE THE PLANET, and for (really TO) the CHILDREN…

  4. So you should charge the Power Wall using your solar power array AT NIGHT?!
    And it will pay for itself in only 8 years LONGER than I would pay the mortgage?!

  5. Not exactly any kind of competition for a standard [COP~3] heat pump….payback period; around o.5 years………… Saving in electricity; 98 cents in about 1.5 hours………..

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