Fired skeptic French weatherman working for Russian media b/c he’s allowed to comment with ‘complete freedom’

Imagine that. Putin allows more freedom than France. reports:

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Google translation below:

Philippe Verdier, the Weatherman France 2 fired after the publication of Climate investigation (Ring, October 2015), was recruited by the French branch of Russia Today to a series of columns on the COP21. He said Sunday that he would comment “freely” the climate conference, in his first column for the Russian state news channel continuously, which broadcasts on the Web in several languages.

Philippe Verdier published a book in October relativize global warming and with particular questioned the probity of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). France Télévisions has quickly made the decision to dismiss him, considering that he had used his office to France 2 to promote his book and that he had exceeded his “duty of reserve”.
“Happy and positive consequences of global warming.”

In his book, the author, who rejects the term climatosceptique, defends “the many happy and positive consequences of global warming.” “It seems that there is a climate emergency. This is not necessarily true, this conference is held each year. This urgency is rather diplomatic and political, “says the former Weatherman in his first column on Russia Today (RT).

Climate experts agree that in the long term climate change will have dramatic consequences if nothing is done to contain global warming. The COP21, which brings together 195 countries since Monday at Le Bourget, must try to limit the rise to 2 degrees compared to pre-industrial times. Russia is developing its public media to Francophones to hear his views on international issues. After last January launch of a multilingual information site, Sputnik, RT aims to be broadcast soon on the box and internet via satellite.

One thought on “Fired skeptic French weatherman working for Russian media b/c he’s allowed to comment with ‘complete freedom’”

  1. We are quickly becoming what Russia once was, and russia is the new freedom oriented country.

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