One thought on “California: Go Live Elsewhere, We’re Cutting Carbon Here”

  1. It’s not about being Green or cutting the Carbon Footprint. Rather it’s all about the state becoming simply too damned crowded and lacking the infrastructure, esp. power and water, to support these types of projects. It’s just not there, and with the Nimby-isms of various stripes, it’s not likely to be any time soon, if ever.

    In addition, he high-paying jobs to afford buying in these places aren’t local. That means, like the people in the Inland Empire, residents are forced to get up at 4am to commute for two or three hours on hideously overcrowded roads. And then the whole process is repeated in the evening, getting them home by 9. And all that assumes that gas remains affordable, questionable since the state enforces an artificial oligopoly of a limited number refiners producing state mandated fuel blends.

    Finally, these things always end up being nothing more than collections of ticky-tacky houses with postage stamp sized back yards, fast food places, and big-box stores.* And call me an Elitist, but the people coming in are always escaping from someplace else, usually on the economic margins, and they bring their problems with them. (Hell, just look at Lancaster and Victorville.) In other words, it ends up being – they end up making it – just as bad as the place they left. And that explains why with these development, despite whatever rosy projections are ginned up to gull the idiot and money starved county governments, municipal expenses are always 125% of tax revenues.

    Yup, it’s the California Dream!

    Inasmuch as it already takes at least over an hour to get out of the sprawl of the L.A. basin, even on a Sunday morning, I find myself with the Enviros on this one. Really, the whole area really is better off being left as orange groves and farms.

    Just a thought.


    *And big box stores are on their way out at any rate. This year holiday retail sales are down yet again, whilst internet sales have increased. But nobody wants to tear the boxes down when the tenants move out, so they end up being indoor swap meets and other types of Poverty Merchant businesses on the margins. Drive around Central L.A. to see what I mean.

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