Video Flashback: Nuremberg-trials-for-skeptics guy says global warming will cause humans to die of ‘hotness’ warmist Dave Roberts raves that surface temperatures will hit 180 degrees F. Continue reading Video Flashback: Nuremberg-trials-for-skeptics guy says global warming will cause humans to die of ‘hotness’

Warmists admit: Science does NOT show global warming caused ISIS

“We have been studying the possible link between climate and violence for years, and we’d like to clarify what the most up-to-date science can and cannot say on this topic.” Continue reading Warmists admit: Science does NOT show global warming caused ISIS

Global temperatures poised for record in 2016: Britain’s Met Office

“The Met Office said manmade global warming combined with an impact from the El Nino weather phenomenon was driving the high temperatures.” Continue reading Global temperatures poised for record in 2016: Britain’s Met Office

U.S. Spending Bill Does Not Block Climate Fund Payment

“Opponents of a U.N. climate deal threatened to block federal funds for climate aid, arguing that Congress first needs to scrutinize the Paris agreement before it releases funds.” Continue reading U.S. Spending Bill Does Not Block Climate Fund Payment