2 thoughts on “RICO 20 prof and fake Nobelist part of Indian negotiating team for Paris”

  1. Please note the involvement of Pachauri per the item below. It appears that he and the Associated Press conjured up Nobel laureate status for the individual IPCC members rather than it being conferred by the Nobel Committee:

    “The award was given immediate publicity: an Associated Press article published by USA Today on 12 October 2007 and headlined “Gore, scientists share Nobel Peace Prize” quoted Pachauri as saying “All the scientists that have contributed to the work of the IPCC are the Nobel laureates who have been recognized and acknowledged by the Nobel Prize Committee”. He added that “they should feel deeply encouraged and inspired. It is their contribution which has been recognized”, and said “I only happen to be a functionary that essentially oversees the process.”[2] On the same day, the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory listed its scientists who had contributed to the IPCC’s work, and said that Pachauri had sent a letter to lead authors of the 2007 IPCC Fourth Assessment Report saying that he had “been stunned in a pleasant way with the news of the award of the Nobel Peace Prize for the IPCC. This makes each of you a Nobel Laureate and it is my privilege to acknowledge this honour on your behalf”. The letter went on to say that “The fact that the IPCC has earned the recognition that this award embodies, is really a tribute to your knowledge, hard work and application.”[3]

  2. Shukla may be a “fake Nobelist,” but he’s a first-class grafter, poseur, and crook.

    For the purposes of India’s participation in COP21, what more could they want?

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