8 thoughts on “Obama to Reject Keystone XL Pipeline, Citing Climate Concerns”

  1. We shouldn’t just look at Burlington Northern Santa Fe as the only Buffet holding, he also owns the company making the tank wagons that haul the oil. As one of Obama’s supporters, Buffet seems to have considered most of the angles. It’s called business.

  2. We shouldn’t just look at Burlington Northern Santa Fe as the only Buffet holding, he also owns the company making the tank wagons that haul the oil. As one of Obama’s supporters, Buffet seems to have considered most of the angles. It’s called business.

  3. The oil Canada wants to sell, if not piped into the USA, will find foreign buyers, who will burn it, discharging CO2 into the atmosphere, anyway. So, Barrack’s argument about being against Keystone because of climate change is vacuous.

    The real reason BO is aginst Keystone is his buddy Warren Buffet, whose Burlington Northern Pipeline-On-Wheels doesn’t want any competition.

  4. Quote all of the fake “metric tons” of CO2 you want, it’s STILL on man made molecule of CO2 to 85,000 that drives the climate, while 35 molecules of naturally occurring CO2 does not? Oh please.

  5. Apparently, Dear Leader, in the 2012 election claimed he was in favor of the pipeline – looks like he was bought off, as czechlist says above .

    “Barack Obama went to Oklahoma to promote the Keystone pipeline in 2012.
    Obama said he was “making the pipeline a priority.” “

  6. Buffett is one of the BHO fascist connections – along with GE , PP and all of the failed green companies. I read that hedge fund billionaire Tom Steyer has repeatedly threatened to withhold $100M in contributions to the DNC if the pipeline was approved.
    Follow the laundered $$$$$. They have become so brazen that they don’t bother to hide the corruption any longer. The media questions and attacks a conservative’s 50 year old memory out of context and ignores today’s liberal president’s malfeasance.
    BTW didn’t Hillary’s State Dept approve the pipeline? What happened in the meantime?
    And name me a “construction” job that isn’t “temporary”.

  7. And ignore those train wrecks with MASSIVE oil spills (e.g. in southern Quebec, Canada.)

    But Warren Buffet (who owns the main railroad that transports oil) must be very happy, and laughing all the way to the bank.

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