7 thoughts on “Naomi Klein gets even crazier”

  1. As are waves on the ocean, so are the lives of men.
    They rush to destruction from the time they begin.
    As each wave breaks upon the sands of time
    Another follows closely behind
    To follow in the footsteps of those who went before
    And eat away the sands as they pound upon the shore.

  2. Climate change makes these acts in Paris and elsewhere all most a non event compared to what climate change is doing and will do to the flora and fauna of this planet. By the way we Homo sapiens are in there to if you were wondering.

  3. Climate change makes these acts in Paris and elsewhere all most a non event compared to what climate is doing and will do to the flora and fauna of this planet. By the way we Homo sapiens are in there to if you were wondering.

  4. Nothing to add to johanna’s remarks!
    That is one of the drawbacks with democracy (the alternative is still worse, to be sure!): spoiled brats, too lazy to work their way through college like honest less affluent youths, can make a flashy living by creating bullshit for the masses. Naomi’s message has nothing to do with genuine conviction, let alone real facts. These people never dare to engage in a serious debate or honest discussion, because they know they will be nailed to the wall in ten seconds by people like Richard Lindzen or Lord Monckton – or Steve Milloy, for that matter. We who try to earn our meager living by seeking the truth and profess it to others sometimes feel disillusioned when time after time finding that the reward for facts is a fraction of that of distorted facts and outright lies – and I am not just measuring it in money.

  5. More EcoCommie lies from on of the Lead COMMIES; she can’t name a single country disappeared by CC, names the two major storms during the LEAST active decade of hurricanes, etc. Complete BS drivel!!!

  6. She’s utterly barking.

    One gets the impression that the very privileged Naomi has never experienced anything approaching actual violence.

    Tell it to the dead and maimed in Paris and Mali, Naomi.

  7. Naomi Klein oh Goodness. I am convinced that half of the worlds problems are caused because we take neurotic bitches and bastards seriously. Most of the other half is because we elect the same to political office.

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