How Exxon plays the warmist game and gets off the investigation hook

Thanks to the warmists at for providing Exxon with the Lyndon Johnson defense.

In “50 Years After Warning, No Debate in Paris on the Science,” ClimateCentral notes:

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So if the US government was fretting CO2 accumulation in 1965, it’s kind of hard to shift the blame to Exxon because a couple of its scientists mused about it in the late-1970s.

Here is the 1965 US Government report.

One thought on “How Exxon plays the warmist game and gets off the investigation hook”

  1. Seems most everyone was still “musing” about it in still in 1989:

    As reported Dec 7th, 1989.

    “In spite of all the well-publilcized concern about global warming, you must understand that there is still considerable uncertainty among scientific experts about a number of critical factors which determine global warming,” NOAA administrator John Knauss said in a statement issued for the geophysics meeting.

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