3 thoughts on “California air chief calls challenge to diesel emissions-death claim ‘addlebrained’”

  1. Since they don’t like diesel trucks, take all of them out of CA. Let’s see what happens in three days when all of the shelves in the stores are all empty.
    If that doesn’t clean up their air, then shut down all vehicles, power generation, power distribution and agriculture in the state. Let’s see how long they last with their “clean” air.

  2. One more “Big Lie” kept alive by a complicit media.
    They should be asked if they approve of the illegal human experimentation done by the EPA.
    They should be asked daily.

  3. Mary Nichols is a certified radical, extremist, enviro-nut. She’s completely wrong on most issues (especially this one – see Steve Milloy’s exposure of particle fables) and a disgrace to this state. It’s too bad we just can’t ignore her.

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