… and probably counting. Continue reading 22 times Obama admin declared climate change a greater threat than terrorism
Day: November 14, 2015
Victor David Hanson explodes the global warming-caused-ISIS canard
You’re gonna love it. Continue reading Victor David Hanson explodes the global warming-caused-ISIS canard
Greens alleges Paris Attacks committed by ISIS-OPEC coalition…
… to kill the climate treaty and raise oil prices. Continue reading Greens alleges Paris Attacks committed by ISIS-OPEC coalition…
Dem prez candidate O’Malley believes global warming caused ISIS
Wonder if he’ll be asked about that during tonight’s debate? Continue reading Dem prez candidate O’Malley believes global warming caused ISIS
WaPo rates climate as least important issue for tonight’s Dem debate
France Says It’s ‘Essential’ To Fight Global Warming In Wake Of Paris Terror Attacks
Will anyone now seriously claim climate change is the most urgent ‘national security threat’?
For those with a strong stomach, clips of Obama, Kerry & the Secretary of the Army. Continue reading Will anyone now seriously claim climate change is the most urgent ‘national security threat’?
France declares the climate circus is on
Paris treaty meeting to be held as scheduled. Continue reading France declares the climate circus is on
Less than 24 hours after the Paris attacks, the Obama administration back to fretting CO2
Not sure why this is so urgent. Continue reading Less than 24 hours after the Paris attacks, the Obama administration back to fretting CO2
Terrorism Won’t Stop Paris Climate Change Summit: Source
NewsMax reports:
Masked climate protesters in Paris for climate conference?
Politico reports:

France to review COP21 security post Paris terror attacks
The climate clown show must go on? Continue reading France to review COP21 security post Paris terror attacks