For the World Bank, climate is a means to distract from its failure to address global poverty

In a world with accountability, the World Bank would have been closed decades ago. Continue reading For the World Bank, climate is a means to distract from its failure to address global poverty

NYTimes op-ed calls skeptics ‘crackpots’ — without citing a single, specific point skeptics are wrong about

Warmist believers seem to not know the slightest about what they believe. Continue reading NYTimes op-ed calls skeptics ‘crackpots’ — without citing a single, specific point skeptics are wrong about

Michael Lynch: Rejection Of The Keystone XL Pipeline Is A Great Victory–For Posers

How coal plants would Keystone’s “extra” emissions have been worth? Continue reading Michael Lynch: Rejection Of The Keystone XL Pipeline Is A Great Victory–For Posers