Here’s Why VW’s Emission Scandal Didn’t Actually Kill Anybody

“The reason all the alleged victims of VW diesel emissions are unidentified is because they are all statistical deaths — i.e., deaths that only occur in the minds and studies of dishonest researchers.”

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6 thoughts on “Here’s Why VW’s Emission Scandal Didn’t Actually Kill Anybody”

  1. VW have done us all a big favor by revealing in the MSM the fact that standardized tests for emissions from any fuel- burning process cannot predict anything about real-world performance.
    Even comparing one type of car or wood-burning stove with another is meaningless because of the near-zero correlation between test performance and everyday reality…..

  2. “59 dead, dozens hospitalized” by diesel emissions?
    Does that include *anybody* that the EPA deliberately exposed to diesel emissions in the name of science?
    Does it include anybody whose autopsy confirmed the cause of death as ‘exposure to diesel emissions”?
    Can they name even ONE?

  3. The EPA does not recognize any threshold level, but in place it uses the fraudulent and discredited “Linear NonThreshold” or the “one molecule can kill” perversion of science. The EPA regulations continually decline as states and companies meet the level in effect, not because the administration simply wants to keep their fat jobs but more importantly complete its initial charge to deindustrialize America.

  4. The EPA does not recognize any threshold level, but in place it uses the fraudulent and discredited “Linear NonThreshold” or the “one molecule can kill” perversion of science. The EPA regulations continually decline as states and companies meet the level in effect, not because the administration simply wants to keep their fat jobs but more importantly complete its initial charge to deindustrialize America.

  5. I wonder if all these people who died were given autopsies that proved beyond reasonable doubt that they died from exposure to V.W. diesel exhaust? Were they exposed to the ozone and nitrogen oxides produced in quantity by thunder storms? Sorry. I get very tired of, what I call, quotation marks “science”, instead of real science (null hypothesis, design test, with not handled sample, handled sample, placebo sample, test sample, what are the results, retest, are results repeatable, can others run the same test with the same results). I forgot about exhaust from other diesel engines, and the point of, is there a threshold below which there is no effect and how does the threshold vary among individuals, and where should a limit be placed, if at all.

  6. before the industrial revolution, lifespan was 49 years. Now is over 70. Having in mind that: before the industrial revolution was one billion people on the whole planet; IF CO2 emission is reduced to pre industrial level – would have being ”premeditated murder of 6 billion people” – because: without fossil fuel, the earth cannot sustain more than one billion people.


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