Booker: Why the Paris climate treaty will be the flop of the year

The chief obstacle to such an agreement is exactly the same as it was at Kyoto in 1997.

From the Telegraph:

The chief obstacle to such an agreement is exactly the same as it was at Kyoto in 1997 and at that last mammoth conference which so signally failed to get Kyoto renewed at Copenhagen in 2009. The vast majority of countries have argued all along that, if man-made CO2 is causing a problem, the fault lies with those “developed” nations that became rich before everyone else by burning fossil fuels to power their industrial revolution…

And what about that Green Climate Fund, supposed by 2020 to be dishing out $100 billion every year to help developing countries to “adapt to climate change”? Firm pledges received so far total just $700 million, leaving $99.3 billion still to go…

One thought on “Booker: Why the Paris climate treaty will be the flop of the year”

  1. Paris conference will be ”nailing the last nail in the Skeptic’s coffin” Unless the Russians and Polish stand the ground against the western Marxist…

    BECAUSE: for ”green” needs CO2&H2O – BUT: the phony Skeptics refer to badmouthing CO2 as; ”green funds” – just to be trendy and the Warmist to love them…

    #2: climatic changes have nothing to do with the phony global warming! ”phony Skeptic” cannot look into the calendar given to him by the local butcher that: climate is changing 4 times in the year, BUT: that is not ”global warming” or ”global cooling” – the planet earth is a big place!!! Instead they keep parroting what the Warmist manipulators tell them… ”climate change, greenhouse gases, non existent global warming is got a PAUSE”…
    ”Skeptics” are condemning the next few generations to Marxist oppression, and robbing the public… therefore: those billions should be collected from the phony Skeptics, not from the innocent public!

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