Fred Singer busts NOAA’s effort to Stalinize (i.e., erase from history) the global warming pause

“Of course, NCDC-NOAA and Science may end up with egg on their collective faces.” Continue reading Fred Singer busts NOAA’s effort to Stalinize (i.e., erase from history) the global warming pause

Harvard, Syracuse researchers caught lying to boost Obama climate rules

E-mails obtained from the Environmental Protection Agency show that Harvard University, Syracuse University and two of their researchers appear to have falsely claimed a study supporting EPA’s upcoming global warming rules was conducted “independent(ly)” of the agency. Continue reading Harvard, Syracuse researchers caught lying to boost Obama climate rules

NOAA/NCDC’s new ‘pause-buster’ paper: a laughable attempt to create warming by adjusting past data

Did SNL’s Tommy Flanagan oversee the new surface temperature data? Continue reading NOAA/NCDC’s new ‘pause-buster’ paper: a laughable attempt to create warming by adjusting past data