Busted: Obama’s claim that global warming caused daughter’s one-time asthma attack

Here’s what actually happened.

President Obama claimed today that global warming was to blame for a one-time asthma attack that happened to his daughter Malia when she was in pre-school.

Except that, according to Michelle Obama, the attack occurred while they were at the circus — a venue teaming with peanuts.

And wouldn’t you know it, Malia has a peanut allergy.

Blame global warming? That’s nuts!

27 thoughts on “Busted: Obama’s claim that global warming caused daughter’s one-time asthma attack”

  1. yeah John it … i also found out yesterday and it was kinda shocking to imagine that global warming could lead to asthmatic attack.

  2. Global warming … a factor that lead to asthmatic attack … i didn’t know that … I only thought that asthma was only caused by the possible factors which were mention by Larry Geiger….. how shocking is that ? Maybe it’s time we should start to take full responsibility of our weather climate…. to avoid these case…

  3. I don’t know what our fine President is thinking, warmer waether means less asthma for me since cold triggers it, cold also cause hives on my skin. So in my case global warming bring it on. Oh by the way such a venue would also trigger my asthma, I had to give up going into barns years ago. Funny the man that his supporter think is the smartest man in the room would be one of the dumbest, in a room full of morons, and morons is what I think his supports are.

  4. I agree with Larry Greiger , the factors that leads to one time asthma attack are possibly one of those which he mentioned above. There response from the president is one of those which i consider “written for quick response ” by one of the s
    president’s advisors.

  5. If it was caused by global warming once a few years back, the non-recurrence must be proof that global warming has ended? Seems scientific , fact-based and logical. Well, at least more than the original non-hypothesis.

  6. Not dispositive. He could still have a malevolent disregard for accuracy, a mendacious disrespect of responsibility, and a malicious penchant for manipulating a system.

  7. Most people have opinions on the causes of asthma, i assume that the president was using a “written for response” by one of his state advisors. But all factors listed by Larry Geiger could possibly be carrying our possible answer as to what caused the one-time-asthma attack.

  8. Most people have opinions on the causes of asthma, i assume that the president was using a “written for response” by one of his state advisors. But all factors listed by Larry Geiger could possibly be carrying our possible answer as to what caused the one-time-asthma attack.

  9. “a venue teaming with peanuts.” and straw being stomped on by the horses, dog and elephants. Elephant farts. Polyester clown suits. I don’t know, maybe the perfume of the over-perfumed woman who sat in front of her? New paint or cleaning chemicals that were used by the janitorial staff right after they heard that the germ/food paranoid White Glove woman was coming with her daughter? Good grief.

  10. Naww!! He’s just stupid! Ask him for his grades and all articles he wrote while in college.

  11. Bob, I’m with you … the secret service would be knocking at my door in minutes if I were to unload and comment about the POS that is “occupying” OUR White House … just use your imagination…

  12. I am disgusted with the Global Warming lie!
    The reason asthma has increased is because of a secret agenda
    of spraying Barium, Aluminum, and other nasty chemicals in our skies.
    Chemtrails will be responsible for the massive decrease in population in the United States over the next 30 years. Maybe after 1/2 of our country dies off they might stop the spraying. Chemical spraying causes a respiratory infection that can simply kill you. The belief that Chemical spraying will cool off the planet is a joke, its an excuse for them to lie and decrease the population. For Obama to say global warming causes asthma is ridiculous.
    Stop poisoning your country! Stop the Spraying!

  13. President Obama’s stupidity spins my head from time to time, especially his lack of understanding of law when he taught the subject. Mrs. Clinton has the same problems. And Republicans are pushing us towards a war with Russia,

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