Formaldehyde in e-cigarettes: A cancer risk?


The New England Journal of Medicine has ignited a cancer scare over formaldehyde inhaled from e-cigarettes. And New York Times columnist Joe Nocera has piled on with a column entitled, ‘Is Vaping Worse Than Smoking‘? Here’s what you need to know.

Junk scientists have for decades been trying to pin a known-human-carcinogen cancer label on formaldehyde. EPA has tried an failed to do it. The World Health Organization did label it as such in 2004. The National Toxicology Program attempted the link in 2011.

However if you review the human studies of formaldehyde exposure — which have generally involved industrial and funeral parlor workers — you’ll see that the epidemiologic studies show no statistical association between formaldehyde exposure and cancer. All the studies hover around a correlation of precisely zero — precisely what one would expect if there was no association between formaldehyde and cancer.

No attention should be paid to animal studies involving formaldehyde since people are not little mice, especially when it comes to chemical carcinogenicity.

E-cigs are undoubtedly a safer way for smokers to get their nicotine fixes. Ignore the endless junk science from public health radicals.

2 thoughts on “Formaldehyde in e-cigarettes: A cancer risk?”

  1. The neo-Communist extension of the Democrat party (formerly known as the media). is playing this one for all it is worth.

    “We must regulate (tax) this product immediately!”

  2. From Wiki:
    “Formaldehyde and its adducts are ubiquitous in living organisms. It is formed in the metabolism of endogenous amino acids and is found in the bloodstream of humans and other primates at concentrations of approximately 0.1 millimolar.[9] Experiments in which animals are exposed to an atmosphere containing isotopically labeled formaldehyde have demonstrated that even in deliberately exposed animals, the majority of formaldehyde-DNA adducts found in non-respiratory tissues are derived from endogenously produced formaldehyde.[10]”
    Citations refer to:
    9.”Review of the Formaldehyde Assessment in the National Toxicology Program 12th Report on Carcinogens”. p. 91.
    10.”Review of the Formaldehyde Assessment in the National Toxicology Program 12th Report on Carcinogens”. p. 95.
    In layman’s terms, our bodies produce more formaldehyde from the metabolism of essential amino acids than we are exposed to from environmental sources. File this information along with the data concerning DNA damage from naturally-occurring carbon-14 we consume in our food.

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