Denialism vs. Denihilism: What the prison warden in ‘Cool Hand Luke’ got right

As it turns out, the common epithet hurled by warmunists at their opponents has been widely misunderstood.

It’s always been difficult to figure out what warmunists have meant by the disparaging term “climate denialism.” After all, not even the most hardcore climate skeptic denies that there is a climate or that climate change happens.

But consider this highlighted definition of “nihilism.”


It certainly cannot be denied that the warmunists and the rest of their brethren on the political left entirely disapprove of virtually our entire American social order — from the distribution of wealth to race relations to the war against radical Islam to how we make and use energy and more.

So opponents of warmunism are really opponents of nihilism. It’s not denialism — it’s denihilism. Say it out loud.

So yes, we are denihilists. And what we’ve had here is a failure to communicate.

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