Audio from today’s (Jan. 14) Board of Education meeting in Charleston, WV. Unfortunately, warmists won this skirmish as the Board voted to remove balance from the K-12 climate science curriculum.
Great job, Marc!
Click here for background.
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Excellent job Marc!
Even school board elections are important.
It played fine on my PC.
Marano accomplished nothing; shredding is giving him too much credit.
We need more input into the Board, from scientists. Please!
My home state is the most beautiful of all “57”. My fear is that the history, since Roosevelt, of “high taxes and low spending” had depleted her working class and mentality. I wish you well, but don’t count upon a lot of solid thought in the West Virginia educational system.
Didn’t play at work on a PC and it didn’t play at home on a MAC
As is usual here in Charleston, WV, the socialist rag newspaper led with an article supporting suppressing scientific thought in our students. I sent a long letter with references in support of critical thinking in science but apparently our educational board is still being run by liberals even though our legislature has swung to conservative for the first time since 1931. In one month they will reevaluate so keep writing letters to the board!
Audio played just fine.. Didn’t need to see him..
It Does not play.