You know they are BS when they show the steam plumes

I have to say baloney when I see the steam plume on these enviro articles.

Read this nonsense, that applauds the SCOTUS.
I’d like to take the SCOTUS to a dark shack in the woods and flay them for stupid.

4 thoughts on “You know they are BS when they show the steam plumes”

  1. At the end of my recent GelbspanFiles post, I detailed how the cover of Ross Gelbspan’s 2004 Boiling Point book shows he might have thought were coal plant emissions, when there is a decent possibility that the photo is of a refinery: “The Company You Keep: Greenpeace USA (née Ozone Action) Executive Director Phil Radford; Vapor as Smoke”

  2. touche’ but it really makes me crazy when they show the plumes and then talk about carbon pollution–since we all know carbon dioxide is invisible, tasteless, odorless and essential to life on the planet.
    But you know that. You showed by you on point comment about water vapor being the most important green house gas.
    I would add that water in all its phases is the most important mitigator of extremes. The mitigating effect of state changes and heat of evaporation and condensation and thunderstrom and circulatory effects–and on and on, which is why our soup is actually a very benign one.

  3. But they are showing ‘Greenhouse Gas’,
    And steam/water vapor is THE greenhouse gas, No dispute.

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