To hell with Africa say the 1st world warmer fanatics

Oh, sure they pretend to care, sure they care about people who have little but are breaking out of the bind of poverty and deprivation.

But there are two guaranteed casualties to ideology, the truth, as Schumpeter said, and anybody who get’s in the way of the true believers and their cause, particularly the powerless.
Here is a nice summary of the cruel, despicable attitude of the greenies–who are totalitarians and ideological tyrants–as lefties they act like the socialist regimes of the last century and millions can die and it won’t be important–they have utopia to make and congratulate themselves on their good intentions.

One thought on “To hell with Africa say the 1st world warmer fanatics”

  1. luckily for africa the chinese are investing heavily in Africa now. Not airy fairy charities that do no good.

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