Pitchforks and Torches

Clarice Feldman, former fed attorney and busy energetic essayist, Sunday Columnist at American Thinker, thinks higher education needs a serious and thorough housecleaning.

I agree. Clarice’s excellent essay is linked below. The spring board is another collusive lawsuit against the U of Montana that has wide ranging impact on University “culture” if such a thing still exists.

U of Montana and the feds entered into another damnable and unconstitutional settlement under Title IX, a crappy idea that first ruined the minor male sports for no good reason, but now has morphed into a club for new age feminist and lifestyle/policitical correctness inanities.
Title IX was bad to start with, built on the evil intentions of arrogant and bellicose feminism. It started bad and has made things worse and worse over the years. This time the settlement was a about rules on University policy and conduct of affairs about sexual mores and the “epidemic” (epidemic should alert you to another scam) of sexual harassment and sexual assault on campus.
I would suggest that a lot of the reported events are next morning regrets of females who got too drunk or stoned, but that would be insensitive in this world of feminists, wouldn’t it?
I would argue that there are many problems that now eat out the substance of what was the greatest public private higher education in the world.
Universities are political correctness, socialist fever swamps, postmodernism has penetrated to the vitals of higher ed with its accompanying socialist/collectivist, multiculturalist, deconstructionist BS, nihilism, anti empiricism and anti scientism, anti patriotism, amorality, destructive antagonism to traditional institutions and Western Civilization, and it goooooessss oooooonnnn and ooooonnnn.
And damn if parents and their children aren’t paying way to much, since Universities are voracious and extremely self congratulatory, and of course ever one wants to have a good education.
Clarice covers things pretty well, as usual. Sorry, got interrupted, had to do to a wedding, so the link didn’t get done. For some reason, probably inadvertence, the publish button got pushed too soon. Read Clarice–she is a treasure for conservative and insightful writing.

One thought on “Pitchforks and Torches”

  1. You have to ask yourself: If the universities (and k-12) are so great for turning out wonderful, well adjusted human beings that follow the law and generally accepted morality, why do we have so much harassment and assault on campus?
    Could it be that the moral relativism and “do what feels right to you despite the rules” teachings of the leftist indoctrinators is at fault?

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