VDH on the greenie/leftist elitist bully game

Hanson nails this one–no content or substance on the left, arrogant chatter and flash.
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Thomas Sowell apologizes belatedly to Gary Becker

This is kind inside baseball–Sowell, high-powered economist insulted a Nobel Prize winning economist, Gary Becker when he was a grad student and Becker a teacher.
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Clean Water, Navigable Water, ambitious bureaucrats

We talked about the expansion of the definition of navigable waters and the EPA aggression a couple of weeks ago, led by Gary Baise, Ag lawyer.
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Nigel Lawson discusses Wickedness in the Warmer Movement

There is an unmistakable elegance to behold when this Brit intellectual icon takes on the ideology and conduct of the warmer fanatics and their fanaticism.
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Ross Gelbspan is Still Not a Pulitzer Winner (not even for just 4 Days) [*5/6/14 update, an ongoing label fumble]

What we have is a classic case of “now you see it, now you don’t”…. an egregiously incorrect accolade for global warming alarmist book author Ross Gelbspan that has now disappeared without explanation from an article at the highly regarded Columbia Journalism Review. [5/6/14 update now at 7th paragraph – the plot thickens] Continue reading Ross Gelbspan is Still Not a Pulitzer Winner (not even for just 4 Days) [*5/6/14 update, an ongoing label fumble]