One hand clapping for Sustainability

I get energetically irritated when I see the stupid word Sustainability.

Propagandists know that when they can change the language and control word use, and distort or influence perceptions–they got the populace.
sustainability is such a stupid concept that it can’t get good traction except in the heads of committed green bullies.
It means nothing, but it drives the work of so many elite bullies. Go ahead, take your anti emetic and read the nonsense.

5 thoughts on “One hand clapping for Sustainability”

  1. “To me,” Hsu said, “it seems like the articulation of these SDGs is really meaningless if we don’t even have the data to track progress.”
    Period should be after meaningless.

  2. I am politically centrist/conservative. I have blogged about the abject stupidity of climate change rhetoric. I hate green bullies. And having said that, you are completely and utterly wrong in your contempt for sustainability. If you want more explanation than can fit in a comment, please go to my website, where you’ll find a substantial essay on a static home page. Click on the “blog” menu item and you’ll notice that all of my April posts look back at Earth Day 1970. I skewer the nonsense about the coming ice age and worldwide famine in more one of them and generally show my disapproval of the “progressive” narrative in all of them. And unlike anything else I have come across, I actually went back and read 1970 publications.

  3. No surprise here, since every single precept of the Green movement is nonsense. Of course, it has gotten worse since the early ones, such as population explosion and DDT is bad, could at least be (not) verified.
    They got smarter and now use meaningless terms such as “climate change” and “sustainability.”

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