More on the precious consensus on warming

So the Bamster is going to announce it’s settled.

Not too quick, and if you would check your credentials, you have no business telling us what’s decided and what’s not. You are a bully. And a despicable bully at that.
Besides, it is remarkable indeed to know that a graduate of Harvard law talks like an illiterate and is helpless without his teleprompter, that is written by someone–who knows how well educated or informed. I would expect a Harvard Law Grad to be more lucid and erudite, and not conduct himself like a street ruffian.
Astro turfing and bullying only goes so far.

4 thoughts on “More on the precious consensus on warming”

  1. I linked to Nigel Lawson twice. Last night I was reviewing and couldn’t find the first link to the Lawson essay, and just put up another intro to makesure I got out the message for todays big show.

  2. Re: Obama, National Climate Assessment and Settled Science, I think of the pictures of mountain snow cover contrasting 2013 to t2014 going around as proof of catastrophic climate change when they, at the same time, claim that the winter in the rest of the nation was only “weather” and conclude that they are intentionally lying. After Affordable Care, Behghazi, transparency, red lines, the IRS, et al., is there anyone capable of a shocked face?
    Add this to the straws on that camel’s back.

  3. This link is to Wicked Orthodoxy by Nigel Lawson. Was that intended?

  4. I do not understand the associated comments to this article – I found it to be lucid – clearly written and in accordance with much which has been published on this site – A very good ‘down to earth’ read for anyone interested in the reality of the climate change debate.

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