Clean Water, Navigable Water, ambitious bureaucrats

We talked about the expansion of the definition of navigable waters and the EPA aggression a couple of weeks ago, led by Gary Baise, Ag lawyer.

Now the Corps of Engineers jumps in.
They were the ones who ruined the Missouri Vally bottomlands about 3 years ago, by not minding their business and controlling the dam releases to prevent harming citizens, destroying farmland and even residential areas. It was despicable–they did it on purpose, since they knew the snow run off was going to be higher than usual.
I do believer that the EPA and the Corps of Engineers aren’t interested in property and citizens who own it, they are interested in the stupid Gaia/Pantheism game–returning things to the wild and such.
Would you bet that maybe they think humans are a cancer on the earth?

2 thoughts on “Clean Water, Navigable Water, ambitious bureaucrats”

  1. Years ago, while I was at EPA, I remember the eco types there discussing the fact that waters not connected to “navigable waters” were not covered by the law. The discussion was how to make them fall under the Clean Water Act, even if Congress specifically excluded them. These folks didn’t care about whose land they were meddling with, they were just interested in power to control everything. It was a naked expansion of power, and now I see what this has come to, since Obama made everything the liberals and zealots do “okay.”

  2. Several years ago the Mississippi needed more water for navigation, an essential infrastructure. But the necessary water from the Garrison Dam was not released because of pressure to maintain maximum water levels for jet skiing.
    The water levels in all Missouri river dams was held at maximum by the Corps of Engineers in spite of warnings of extreme flooding two years ago, the flooding destroyed many acres of farmland along the Missouri and Mississippi flood plains , “for environmental purposes”.

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