Tyranny of the anti free speech crowd.

We have been discussing forms of bullying.

The Brandeis U incident actually was pretty predictable, according to Michael Ladeen and then he mentioned why–Herbert Marcuse, one of the academic creeps of all time.
Herbert Marcuse is one of many who have had terrible impacts on intellectual inquiry. Here Ladeen shows how Marcuse changed what normally should be part of academic inquiry and discussion. The Other thing he did was create an ends justifies means approach on matters of disagreement.

3 thoughts on “Tyranny of the anti free speech crowd.”

  1. “The rules of the new thought police have made comments, criticism, dissent and even compliments nearly impossible” Tammy Bruce

  2. Ali is a lefty, no doubt, but you show your ignorance when you write that she was persecuted because she was too lefty.
    Try not to insult me with your ignorance–she was persecuted because she spoke out against genital mutilation and treatment of women like chattel slaves.
    Look up chattel as a legal concept, and look up any reference on genital mutilation and child brides, and you will understand why she is right and you are just plain dumb..

  3. It is unfortunage that Ayaan Hirsi Ali allied herself with Left in America. It does not surprise me one bit that Brandeis University did what they did to her. She is a courageous woman, but has bought into the bogus notion that only the Left is looking out for women. Perhaps this incident will wake her up to the how the Left really operates.

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