
I have the best job in the world.

I am a physician at Fort Hood and I teach emergency medicine to Army residents in an Army residency at the busiest Emergency Department in the Department of Defense.
Been there since 2003 when the Iraq Freedom War was finishing, covering for deployments. I live 130 miles form Fort Hood and use an RV. Work 2 days, go home–great for an old lazy man.
Get to thank hundreds, now thousands, for their service to my beloved country.
This shooting stirred up some memories.
I was there Nov 5 2010. Back door, first wave.
My essay.
Don’t worry, I don’t suffer. I am one lucky guy.

3 thoughts on “Shootings”

  1. That language was what i put in because the Army has a thing about nobody should pretend to speak for the Army.
    American Thinker didn’t put it in, I did.
    I dont do it so much now cause I don’t see the point. I never claim to speak for the Army, so why should I have to say i don’t speak for the Army. However, you can bet that some in Army public relations would object if I didn’t put the priviso in ever time i opened my mouth, which is a lot.

  2. “His opinions are his own and not attributable to the U.S. Army or the Department of Defense.”
    American Thinker’s disclaimer is rather tasteless. You fully state your relationship with the military, so why do they feel the need to say you don’t represent them? But, beyond that, why would they put a disclaimer on accolades ?!?! “Dear Reader, take it with a grain of salt when Dr. Dunn says these are good people.”

  3. So glad you are safe
    Betty Plowman California Construction Trucking Assoc.
    Norther Membership Services Director
    707-974-8961 mobile 909-982-9898 office
    Sent from my iPhone

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