Professor Tol is scheduled for the lowest realm of the 8th circle of Hell, Dante says so.

This is a National Review report on the Professor Tol business and his decision to renounce the IPCC report and Summary for Policy Makers (SPM) as too over the top and exaggerated.

Apparently Professor Dr. Tol is having some second thoughts about the recent IPCC Report because it is alarmist and irresponsible.
Gee, Dr. Tol, where was your sorry doubting ass so many years ago when this propaganda train left the station?
Professor Tol, my read is that you were into this nonsense to your eyeballs for the last 15 years at least, writing the sections on economics.
I wonder if Professor Tol ever complained about the jackass Nicholas Stern’s Report on economic effects of the proposed warming that was so biased that it stunk up the place. You’re an economist, you knew his assumptions and manipulations were pure propaganda.
My Oh My, should I give you, Professor Tol a pass because now you say–well maybe we’re exaggerating a bit.
No, I do believe Professor Tol, you are a corrupt little creep with a pretty bad beard, and you cannot be redeemed. You must go to the hell of the charlatans and deceivers. Dante designated as the lowest of the eighth Circle of Hell for the falsifiers, Imagine that, below Flatterers, Grafters, hypocrites, thieves, evil counselors, sowers of discord.
Professor Tol has a long and notorious career as a Falsifier on Climate and warming and the terrible effects of warming on the economies of the world, when he knew that warm brings prosperity and happiness.
Shame on his sorry ass. Too late for redemption. Punishment and condemnation appear to be the only options. His friends in the environmental movement cannot save him from the wrath of God.
Of course he is probably an atheist which makes lying ok for a cause, and he will have to hope for the best.

4 thoughts on “Professor Tol is scheduled for the lowest realm of the 8th circle of Hell, Dante says so.”

  1. Thanks for the correction.
    Why would you want to be in the eighth circle, bottom level? I was surprised to see how far down falsifiers were in Dante’s ranks. Not a good group. Of course in civil society, telling the truth, honesty, is invaluable.

  2. Well then, I say to the Professor:
    Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate

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