Duufus signs on to a Genius' plan to feed the world.

No comment on the letter to Borlaug’s daughter from the guy who is promoting stupid green wasteful policies everywhere, BUT
Continue reading Duufus signs on to a Genius' plan to feed the world.

Marita takes some Swings at bad Policy and Money Pits

Thanks Marita, for reminding us of the Production Tax Credit, which along with mandates on energy portfolios, created the wind boondoggle, even in oil production places like Texas.
Continue reading Marita takes some Swings at bad Policy and Money Pits

Bjorn points out the Danger of Misdirection of Resources

This is what his Copenhagen Consensus project is all about .
Too bad people don’t pay attention like Lomborg does, to the Bastiat warming about unintended consequences.
Of course if people die or suffer because of crazy green projects it won’t be counted, since official counts are controlled by the arrogant elites who know how to cheat.
Projected increases in displacement or deaths due to warming, no warming, no deaths? Well retool and ignore the failed predictions.
One can do that if in control of public policy and the media academic bully boy complex.

Dalrymple on Obesity–marvelous

Last week I told you about a British Medical Journal article on the benefits of barriatric surgery over behavior mod, the current operations of preference are Roux en Y with gastric reduction (one helluva surgery), sleeves (simpler) and such.
Continue reading Dalrymple on Obesity–marvelous

Joyce Parker sends me a Killer report on food fetishists

This is perfect–ooooooooh no honey, that’s Puerto Rican peanut butter, says the little Madison Wisconsin prig. Madison is a boutique and clueless little leftist enclave. They do think they are special in Madison, of course.