The Master is still the Master-just ask the Grasshopper

So Milloy the master says–grasshopper, the Common Rule as adopted by the EPA and the Government, doesn’t really prohibit the Human Experiment Program when toxic or lethal exposures are conducted.
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Milloy slams Grasshopper, Common Rule is Inadequate to stop Guinea Pig studies.

In the recent past, I have waxed eloquent on why there is no way that the EPA can expose people to toxic, lethal or carcinogenic air pollution.
Continue reading Milloy slams Grasshopper, Common Rule is Inadequate to stop Guinea Pig studies.

How Does the Evil Martin Heidegger Still have Philosophical Stature?

I got a minor in philosophy in college, pretty easy in a Jesuit college undergrad program. They made you study St Thomas Aquinas to almost a minor.
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Pretty fair discussion of Oil Bidness in USA Today–are you shocked?

I know, it’s hard to imagine, from a lefty outlet with no brains like USA Today.
Well, wonders never cease. This piece is written by a guy from the Manhattan Institute, a reliably conservative source.
I am stunned.
Note that at the bottom the USA Today folks take bows on their diversity of opinions published. Hope so.