Okies understand that Common Core is Poison

I love Oklahoma–beautiful state, lousy place for tornadoes and ice storms.

OK just put the boot to Common Core, same time as that pathetic Jeb Bush said that parents against Common Core were just afraid their kids couldn’t perform.
Jeb Bush has a tin ear. He needs to go away and stop bothering us. Did you know his college degree was in south american affairs?
Now there’s a challenge.
He Took his degree, imagine the effort, at UT–imagine he got indoctrinated in all the political correctness BS?
Thanks you cowboys and indians in OK.

2 thoughts on “Okies understand that Common Core is Poison”

  1. Last night we watched several flocks of starlings gathering to begin their migration North. They formed small black clouds in the sky and they would fly frantically in one direction, then without warning, they would stop in mid-air and swirl around and fly frantically in some other direction, fly a little ways and repeat the same action. I couldn’t help but notice how this is exactly like the fads of science, pop culture and even more so, education. As long as I can remember it has been grab a fad, run full out with it, drop it and grab another. Common core is just the latest fad to fly with.

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