Obesity still a big Problem

The media was announcing success at reducing child obesity not long ago, but we know that wasn’t true.

Obesity ain’t gonna go away with just a few slogans and ads or lectures from the first lady.
And there aren’t any magic weight loss foods. Calories-exercise = net weight gain or loss
I always love to look at CAT scans of people who would say they just have big bones, and you find that they have little bones covered with big fat. Discipline and moderation are hard.

3 thoughts on “Obesity still a big Problem”

  1. “you see average height increasing as children as startlingly taller than their parents due to improved nutrition.”
    Nope. Kids get taller because they are required to do less, delaying the damage to their growth plates such that they grow to their potential.

  2. Sorry John,
    Have to disagree with you. People (especially kids) are getting taller and actually do have heavier bones. Even in the UK we are still seeing increases in average height – despite being two generations removed from rationing during WWII. In developing countries and countries with high immigration (from developing countries) you see average height increasing as children as startlingly taller than their parents due to improved nutrition.
    The BMI classes are woefully inadequate as measures of health (confirmed by the NHANES studies showing death rates equal between normal and obese classes). The sooner we get off the obesity fixation maybe we can get rid of the damaged relationship to food which we have as a society and reduce some of the junk science surrounding “health” foods.

  3. “Children are considered obese when their body mass index, a measure of weight in relation to height, exceeds that of 95 percent of their peers of the same age and sex. The childhood obesity study reports that the number of obese children in the United States in 1999-2000 was 14.5 percent. The childhood obesity rate in 2011-2012 (the years of the completion of the study) jumped to 17.3 percent.”
    Call me math challenged, if you wish, but the above DEFINES obesity at 5%.

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